Communication is an art, and it’s also a science.

As someone who’s always been fascinated by how words can impact our relationships and interactions, I’ve often found myself delving into the depths of psychology to learn more about this.

Great communicators don’t just talk. They speak in a way that earns them respect.

And it’s not by accident or luck. It’s a calculated effort that involves using certain phrases, all backed by psychology.

But what are these phrases? Well, there are seven that stand out above the rest.

These are the phrases that, when used correctly, can help you gain the respect of others and create more meaningful connections.

Let’s dive in and take a closer look at what these phrases are.

1) “I understand…”

In the realm of communication, understanding is key.

It’s not just about getting your point across, it’s about acknowledging the other person’s perspectives and feelings.

Great communicators often use the phrase “I understand…” to show empathy and respect.

This phrase is not just a filler or a casual remark. It’s a powerful tool that opens the door to deeper conversations and stronger connections.

The power of this phrase lies in its ability to validate the feelings of others. It tells them that their thoughts and emotions are acknowledged, respected, and valued.

As esteemed psychologist Carl Rogers once said, “When someone really hears you without passing judgement on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels damn good!”

And that’s what “I understand…” does. It makes people feel heard, appreciated, and respected – key ingredients for any meaningful relationship.

Remember though, this phrase needs to be used genuinely. If you say “I understand…” but your actions or subsequent words suggest otherwise, it can have the opposite effect.

Be sure to truly listen and strive to understand before using this powerful phrase.

2) “What do you think about…?”

One of my favorite phrases to use is “What do you think about…?”. It’s so simple and yet, it has the power to transform the dynamics of a conversation.

I remember once, during a meeting at work, we were discussing a new project.

Opinions were flying left and right, and the atmosphere was tense.

That’s when I decided to use this phrase. I asked, “What do you think about this approach, John?”.

Suddenly, the room quieted down. Everyone turned to John who, until then, had barely said a word. He shared his opinion and it was insightful.

It not only added value to our discussion but also made John feel valued and respected.

Asking someone for their opinion shows that you respect their thoughts and value their input.

It’s a great way to engage others and make them feel included and important.

When we ask for someone’s opinion, we are essentially asking for their subjective perception of things.

And that’s a powerful way to connect with them on a deeper level.

The next time you’re in a discussion or a meeting, try using this phrase. But don’t just ask for the sake of it.

Be genuinely interested in what they have to say. After all, everyone loves to be heard and appreciated.

3) “I could be wrong, but…”

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to present a contrary opinion or a different perspective, but were unsure how to do it without causing offense or confrontation?

I certainly have.

The phrase “I could be wrong, but…” is an effective way to express your thoughts without appearing arrogant or dismissive.

It’s a humble admission that we don’t know everything and that we are open to the possibility of being corrected.

Let’s face it. Nobody likes a know-it-all. People appreciate humility and honesty.

And this phrase communicates just that. It shows that while you have an opinion, you respect the thoughts and perspectives of others.

Famous psychologist Albert Bandura once said, “In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life.”

This phrase embodies the spirit of Bandura’s words. It conveys our willingness to listen, learn, and grow from our interactions with others.

It’s okay to be wrong. It’s okay to not know everything.

Because that’s how we learn, grow, and build meaningful connections with others.

4) “Tell me more about…”

Inviting others to share more about their thoughts, experiences, or ideas is a powerful way to show respect and build connection.

The phrase “Tell me more about…” not only shows your interest but also gives the other person the freedom and space to express themselves.

This is not just about being polite or keeping the conversation going. It’s about truly understanding the other person’s perspective.

Individuals who asked more questions, particularly follow-up questions, were perceived as more likable.

Question-asking fosters a sense of closeness and trust, making it a key factor in developing relationships.

When you encourage someone to delve deeper into a topic by saying “Tell me more about…”, you are essentially opening up an opportunity for them to share, connect, and trust.

It’s not just about gaining information, but also about building relationships.

Next time you’re in a conversation, try using this phrase.

Not only will you learn more about the other person, but you’ll also be showing them respect and building a stronger connection.

5) “I appreciate…”

Appreciation goes a long way in building respect and trust.

The phrase “I appreciate…” is one I’ve used countless times to express my gratitude and recognize the efforts of others.

I remember a time when I was working on a challenging project and a colleague stepped in to help. After we finished, I made sure to say, “I appreciate your help.”

It was a small gesture but one that had a significant impact.

My colleague felt valued and respected, and our professional relationship grew stronger.

As psychologist William James once said, “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”

When we express our appreciation, we are addressing this deep-seated need.

Whether it’s a big favor or a small act of kindness, make sure to express your appreciation. It’s a simple way to show respect and build stronger connections with the people around you.

It’s not just about what you say but also how genuinely you say it.

6) “I don’t know”

It may seem counterintuitive, but admitting that you don’t know something can actually earn you respect.

The phrase “I don’t know” is often seen as a sign of weakness or incompetence, but in truth, it’s a mark of honesty and humility.

We live in a world where everyone is expected to have an answer for everything.

But the reality is, no one has all the answers. And pretending to know something you don’t can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding.

Renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow once said, “It isn’t normal to know what we want. It is a rare and difficult psychological achievement.”

Admitting that you don’t know something doesn’t make you ignorant or incompetent. It makes you human.

By saying “I don’t know”, you’re showing that you’re open to learning and willing to seek the truth, even if it means admitting your limitations.

It’s a sign of authenticity, and people respect authenticity.

The next time you’re unsure about something, don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”.

It’s okay not to have all the answers. What’s important is your willingness to learn and grow.

7) “Thank you”

Never underestimate the power of a sincere “Thank you”.

It’s a simple phrase, yet it has the ability to make people feel valued and respected.

Expressing genuine gratitude not only acknowledges someone’s effort or kindness but also reflects your character.

A heartfelt “Thank you” can go a long way in building respect, strengthening relationships, and spreading positivity.

Don’t hold back. Say it often, say it sincerely.

Final thoughts

The beauty of communication lies not just in the words we speak, but in the respect and understanding we foster through them.

It’s an intricate dance of phrases and pauses, where every word carries the potential to build or break relationships.

The phrases we’ve explored here are not just about gaining respect.

They’re about creating meaningful connections, fostering mutual understanding, and building bridges of empathy.

They remind us that communication is not a one-way street, but a shared journey of discovery.

The next time you find yourself in a conversation, remember these phrases. Remember the power they hold and the respect they can command.

But most importantly, remember to listen, to understand, and to respect the person on the other side of the conversation.

Because at the end of the day, communication is not just about what we say, but how we make others feel.